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The Great  Wall

    The Great Wall is the greatest miracle created by Chinese as well as the witness of   long history of China. It is considered as the landmark of China.

    The project of the Great wall was started from the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C-476 B.C.) and ended till Ming Dynasty. At the beginning, the wall was built respectively by different countries to prevent the homeland from wars. In 217B.C., in order to protect the its huge territory from the invasion by foreigners, the emperor of Qin Dynasty used manpower nearly 300,000 people to build and connect the  original walls together. The whole project cost 9 years. With a length around 5000 km, the wall of Qin Dynasty became the longest and earliest wall in the world. Later, Han Dynasty and Ming Dynasty both built walls over 5000 km respectively. However, the wall of Ming Dynasty is the most famous one under well preservation. It has a length of 88851.8 km from Shanhai Gate in the east to Jiayu Gate in the west. The Great Wall we mentioned today indicate the wall of Ming Dynasty.